« Se sentir fort devant le client? Non, je ne pense pas. Au contraire. [...] Je le supplie pour qu'il vienne me voir. Je ne me sens pas fort, au contraire. [La loi] m'a rabaissé complètement, parce que je cours derrière le client pour qu'il accepte. Avant, j'avais le choix en fait. Le client, il venait, normal, je lui propose mon prix. Là maintenant, c'est lui qui impose les prix et c'est lui qui impose les coins. Vraiment, ça m'a rabaissé, complètement. Ça m'a rabaissé, maintenant je cours derrière le client. Comment voulez-vous que je me sente fort? »
To someone unfamiliar with sex work, and the constant existential threats sex workers face, being a sex worker might seem like being part of an aspirational cool-girls' club. "Everything cool gets co-opted, and whores have always been the coolest people in the room," said Jacq the Stripper. Strippers working the pole or posing with stacks of cash on Instagram look cool, because strippers are cool, but co-opting sex work as a personal brand without actually being one isn't. "If you take our rhetoric, our style, and our organizing strategies without showing us actual support—and, yes, I mean money—you are part of the problem."
Bradley was one of her friends. He belonged to a group of boys who I only ever saw together. One of them had a credit card. At some point after we met, they used it to pay to see me naked on the internet. On that day or soon after, Bradley told his friends that he was going to have sex with me. “He wants to fuck you,” one of them said. This was the way things were. If a boy said he wanted to fuck you, you were supposed to feel flattered.
les interdictions de la GPA n’arrêtent pas le commerce des bébés mais l’alimentent en réalité de manière à rendre les travailleuses gestationnelles beaucoup plus vulnérables qu’auparavant. Comme pour le travail du sexe, la question d’être pour ou contre la GPA n’est donc pas pertinente. Il s’agit plutôt de savoir pourquoi il est considéré comme normal d’être davantage opposé à la GPA qu’à d’autres formes de travails risqués et quels sont les effets de cette posture de charité sur les personnes qui exercent actuellement ce travail ?
Violet is at home with her daughter and boyfriend when she hears a knock at the door. She opens it to find five police officers and a social worker. “They went through our laundry, our bag of adult toys, all of our cupboards,” she tells me over the phone. “They said that my mom called and told them that I am a prostitute and that I am subjecting my daughter to it.”
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Given Cloudflare's previous stances of privacy and freedom, as well as fighting alongside the EFF, we had hoped they would take a stand against FOSTA/SESTA.
Once again, privacy and freedom advocates prove that they only care about the privacy and freedom of white cisgendered men.