Semenya’s revelations are important because the IAAF claims that taking a pill to suppress testosterone levels is safe and unintrusive, and that this is a humane way to discriminate. Her experience contradicts those claims. But her honesty is also important because it reminds us all that this is not really about appeals or court filings, fairness or protecting women’s sports. It’s about rules rooted in racism, sexism, and homophobia, that aim to control women’s bodies through any means necessary.
In 2018, the IAAF announced a new rule concerning female athletes with a condition called hyperandrogenism, which results in increased testosterone production. The IAAF decided that elevated testosterone levels give them an unfair advantage in races ranging from 400 meters to one mile and instituted a new policy that mandated that female athletes with the condition take medication, such as contraceptives, to reduce their testosterone levels.
Contrôle du corps des femmes. Partout. Tout le temps.
Juste gerbant. « Femme, lessive »
Ça va les homo erectus ? Et de se défendre en prétextant l'humour et le politiquement incorrect.