A 2,554-word essay that aims to explore how to survive a patriarchal capitalist system that forces publications run by young(ish) women—even seemingly wildly successful ones, with robust communities that mourn these losses loudly and vocally—to shut down in spite of their popularity, completely ignored three publications that might have, each in their own way, answered a piece of the thesis question. This article was not the first to completely ignore lesbian and queer women's media when pondering women's websites; it was one in a large compilation of disappointments, as yet another feminist writer I admire did not acknowledge the work queer women's websites do.
« Ce journalisme-là, c’est celui que nous consommons. Car c’est quasiment le seul qu’on nous vend. Nous l’absorbons docilement, nous le digérons et nous le recrachons en société, comme des vaches obéissantes qui ont complaisamment ruminé le foin moisi qu’elles ont trouvé dans leur mangeoire. »